Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hosting Grace

It's only April and what a ride it has already been for 2012...

Hosting Grace. 2 words I kept getting.

We knew Grace. We understood Grace. We get established in Grace. Then we start to host Grace.
Sounds good?

Some wise person said, "The enemy of good is not bad but BEST." In other words, "The Good is the Enemy of the Best".

We can not stay in Grace and not be changed. Not be moved. To go deeper and higher. To sink helplessly deep in Him and soar at the highest peak simultaneously with Him. Grace would not allow us to be the same.

I am a gracePreacher. I would never allow myself (again!) to preach Law as a mean to get "close" to God or to win souls for His Kingdom or bring morality in... that is the old covenant way. (One day i will blog about my encounter with Grace afresh in 2008)
"The old covenant was glorious, but it was "fading away..."

Even so, God loves me too much to allow me to stay stagnant, to just keep "hosting grace"...

How do we NOT conformed to the pattern of this world? 
If not through our daily, seasonal circumstances that comes to our lives - unnoticed.
His Grace pops up in those circumstances and we now have a medium not to be conformed to the pattern of this world.
And how do we transformed by the renewing of our mind?
Through the washing of water with the Word. 
The Word is a Person. His name is Jesus.

Jesus wants to cleanse us - daily, weekly, seasonally, yearly, ETERNALLY.

No one can keep "hosting grace" without ending up fully immersed in Grace.

Last few months, i have experienced Grace in a way i have never before. Those were my darkest moments - also my brightest.

 I am back at where i started - only deeper and higher this time. 
Thank you Emmanuel.

"God Healed Via Facebook"

So I have not been very well since our loss, it has already been 6 weeks. I never really "TRY" to be happy or sad. Just flowing through and by His grace.
But i must say - i felt like i hit the ultimatum yesterday. I want to be healed (the bleeding to cease) and just recover properly or even grieve properly. Being in and out of the hospital for the last 5 weeks isn't really my ideal way of grieving... It was brewing frustration which is the last thing i want to be feeling.

Last night, i randomly posted on my yet another G-pal; Eps' facebook wall. I was just asking how his wedding preparation is going? These are his words, 

" Wow hehe, getting whacked again reading this.. it started from the restaurant tonite.. i felt fire over me n my fiancĂ© was laughing so much, something shifted in the atmosphere cause its one month from today is the wedding day oops... :)" 
Probably not the funniest thing I have ever read. But in that split moment, i was giggling like a little girl and got more excited and started to curl on my bed and would not stop laughing. 
I replied his comment and told him i could not stop laughing and he continued, 
"Wow fire fire fire, heavenly revelations right now over your place with prophetic dreams flooding in.. Moce.. get ready yay :)"

I could not remember what happened after that, i think i continue to laugh for a bit each time i clicked back to his Facebook wall, and then everything was a blur. I do believe i went into a very deep sleep. (I am the lightest sleeper you will ever known - i can hear the slightest sound!) But according to my husband he came to bed and was trying to wake me up to drink the clove tea he made. I could not remember or heard any of that!

I had a vivid dream too... I dreamt we were on a hot air balloon as a family. I was freaking out due to the height...  but we all seemed to be having a good time after that. 
(This morning, when i woke up i saw numerous hot air balloon pictures on Facebook - apparently there were free hot air balloon rides near where i live till 9 am this morning - BIZZARRE!)

Anyway, i was woken up at about 3 am and went to the loo and the Lord told me quietly but clearly, "You are healed". That was it. I went back to bed.

This morning i woke up with springs on my heels! I felt so restored and rejuvenated! I felt different... it was not just the good sleep i had - i knew Jesus had touched me!

I went to the hospital after work to schedule for a dreaded surgery but i was cleared by the doctor from the surgery and HEALED!

Our God is truly an awesome GOD. As Christ is so am i in this world.  (1 John 4:17)

If i have my own newspaper, (headlines are a big part of what i do as a living - haha!), i will place this as the front cover page, big bold headline, "GOD HEALED VIA FACEBOOK".

How's that for a God of Present? THE GREAT I AM.